What Exactly is Branding?

This is a common question. 

And it can be confusing because there’s so much that goes into running a successful online business (whether that’s coaching, services, or courses) that all the information out there can get jumbled and it leaves you feeling like, 


…with no idea where to start. 

So let’s keep it simple (my specialty). 

Branding is curating an image of how to want your business to be perceived.

So yeah, it’s your logo, fonts, and colors.

But it’s also your messaging, voice and tone that’s infused into everything you post online, every email you send, and even your customer service experience. 

Creating a strong brand is important because it helps you build trust and credibility by establishing your authority in your niche and differentiating you from other businesses in your market, allowing you to attract the right clients to your business. 

Which means you have more than price to compete on and believe me, prices can only go so low and we all gotta eat. 

So how exactly do you do that?

Here are the 4 essential components to successfully branding your business:

01 Identify your target audience

This is a crucial step in the branding process, as it will help you to tailor your messaging and marketing efforts to your ideal clients. By understanding the demographics, needs, and pain points of your target audience, you can create a brand that resonates with them and encourages them to work with you.

02 Develop a unique value proposition

Your unique value proposition (UVP) is a statement that clearly articulates the benefits of working with you as a coach. It should be concise and compelling, and it should communicate the unique value that you offer to your clients.

03 Create a strong visual identity

Your visual identity includes your logo, color palette, fonts, and other visual elements that represent your brand. These elements should be consistent and cohesive, and they should reflect the values and personality of your business.

04 Build a consistent brand voice

Your brand voice is the tone and personality of your communication with your clients. It should be authentic and genuine, and it should align with your brand values and target audience.

This is why we start with a brand strategy. Jumping right into the visuals of your brand can be fun and exciting but without any real direction it’s going to lead to more confusion and wtf moments. 

Let me help you out, friend. 

I’ve created a free workshop that is going to teach you my exact process for clarifying your brand strategy and design style – and you can access it immediately. Fill out the form below to sign up.

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Do You Know Your Brand Archetype?

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If you're struggling to stand out, archetypes are a powerful tool you can use to in your branding to shape your messaging and your visuals so you can connect with your audience on a deeper level.


An abundance of cash flows to me with ease and grace.

Opportunities for wealth and success surround me.

My offerings attract those who are ready to invest in their transformation.

My website is a magnet for wealth and success.

Every visitor feels the value and is inspired to buy.